Tură în Natură ist eine Initiative, die den Menschen in der Gegend Freude an der unmotorisierten Bewegung nahelegen möchte. Sie sind unsere engen Partner in der Entwicklung der Fahrrad- und Wanderwege im Hammersdorfer Hügelland.
Hier ihre Touren von letztem Sonntag. Rot war die Wanderung, gelb und blau die Radtouren. Am Ende des Tură în Natură Event gab es ein Gulasch zur Stärkung - rustikal mit Holzlöffeln.
Diese Veranstaltung war von der Kirchengemeinde Hermannstadt gesponsert, als Anerkennung der Tură în Natură Beiträge zu unserem Projekt.
Tură în Natură is an association aiming at instilling the pleasure of moving about in an unmotorised way in the people of the area.They are our close partners in developing the biking and hiking trails in the Hammersdorf area.
Here you can see the tours they covered on Sunday. The walking tour appears in red, the biking tours in blue and yellow. The Tură în Natură event closed with a hot goulash meal - served in a rustique stile with wooden spoons.
The event was sponsored by the Sibiu Parish in recognition of the Tură în Natură contributions toward our project.
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